@sam-w Active 5 years, 6 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies Sam W replied to the topic Kitchens in the forum DIY 5 years, 6 months ago It’s not cheap shit its expensive shit. You can get really expensive good stuff but the cheap shit should last 10 yrs plus until you want a change again as long as its designed & fitted properly. Sam W replied to the topic Roof – Foam torching in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago The foam was spotted by a (very good) roofer who I contacted as I was worried about the state of other areas of the roof. Fortunately, the areas with problems don’t have the foam torching and can be repaired relatively easily. It seems to boil down to, it’s not good, but not the end of the world. My guess is that the foam torched roof will last…[Read more] Sam W started the topic Roof – Foam torching in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago Calling on the maillardvillemanor collective wisdom. We’re nearing completion on the purchase of a lovely old Victorian house. It’s an old station, and as is typical of Victorian infrastructure, was built to last. Worth adding that it is also Grade II listed. Going through the normal checks on the house before signing contracts, and we’ve…[Read more]