@pakpak Active 5 years, 6 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies pakpak replied to the topic Kitchens in the forum DIY 5 years, 6 months ago We’re currently in the same boat but have a friend who’s just started his own interior design / fitting company. He’s designed and sourced all of the fittings for us at mates rates as he’ll be using us as part of his portfolio. If you’re anywhere near Cumbria / Northumberland I’ll send you his details. pakpak replied to the topic For those with an induction hob… in the forum DIY 5 years, 9 months ago I don’t know about the hood, but I hope no-one in the family has a pacemaker? pakpak replied to the topic Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 – how much compensation? in the forum Chit Chat 5 years, 9 months ago If, for example, the original quote was for £5K and the repair and new materials were going to cost £7K , ask for the extra costs to be reimbursed, plus an inconvenience fee. pakpak replied to the topic Ground Source Heat Pumps in the forum DIY 6 years, 3 months ago Heat pumps work best with / can only provide a low output temperature (50degrees max?). There’s no reason why you can’t use them with radiators, you just need bigger radiators to compensate for the lower temperature they’re running at. If you have the wallspace and the listing allows, then this may be the way forward. Same goes for condenser…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Stomach bug? Top tips? in the forum Health 6 years, 7 months ago My 9yo son had a nasty tummy bug assumed gastroenteritis 2 weeks ago, kept him hydrated with lots of water, arrow root biscuits, Lucozade and small portions of dry, bland/dry food when he wanted/asked for it, he had the odd dioralyte too, he was violently sick and had explosive diarrhoea for 8 days, with awful tummy cramps, went to the chemist who…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Charging Your Child Rent in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago I used to pay for bills like oil and broadband as and when I had the money (I was freelance at the time and my mother is self employed so appreciated that you have to wait until you have been paid….). Rather than regular rent. Agree, no way would I have wanted anyone in my room as an adult. I didn’t even want my washing going in with hers as…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Tooth abscess advice PLEASE in the forum Health 6 years, 8 months ago Once you take antibiotics the abscess should reduce or disappear altogether – the idea of the thing “bursting” is making me wince! I’ve dug a couple of people up – long dead Time Team stuff – who had abscesses in life that blew holes down through their jaw bones!!! Ah, the Good Old Days full of dripping pustulent peasants eh? Keep taking the…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Painting directly onto plaster in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Ive never heard of needing to sand fresh plaster, the finish should be such that it is free of imperfections….i served my time trowelling the stuff onto the wall. Priming the wall with a watered down emulsion will suffice but again not strictly necessary, a decorator told me not all emulsions are created equal, with trade paints formulated…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Had enough with my job! What to do? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Too many chiefs not enough indians. That is a very strange team configuration IMHO and you are being bullied, keep a written record of actions being taken by the bully and act on it or get the hell out before your health suffers. pakpak replied to the topic Bitcoin: does anyone get it?? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago They cost a lot to mine they usually work in syndicates. Very high processing power and electricity. A guy at work has a qusrter of one he mined through this way. Mining them in the first place is a complicated process. pakpak replied to the topic House insulation improvements? in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Look for downlight covers. Then you can cover the whole lot with insulation. I’d also replace any halogens with LEDs, if you haven’t already done so. pakpak replied to the topic Best probiotics to buy? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago What should you look for when choosing some? Whether they’re tasty – they probably won’t have any other benefits. And can you make your own rather than pay a fortune ? Yes, certainly. We had some fun a few years ago making a variety of different yoghurts ourselves (yeah, we’re wild, I know!) We bought some starter cultures for filmjöl…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic How to make yourself look taller? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago What you can do are stretches to help stretch out your spine (note stretches dont actually make your bones grow any taller but just stretch out your body more)? Iv tried them though it really hard to tell if they work because you will only gain a few centimeters if that. I dont actually think there any “real” other way apart from wearing big sho…[Read more] pakpak replied to the topic Warfarin or Rivaroxaban? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago I was on Warsfarin for 10 yrs for AF and think I would have taken rivaroxaban like a shot if offered. Not that INRs were too onerous as my surgery in South Wales tested with a finger prick and gave instant results (my father, who is in Hampshire, still has to have blood taken for his). I was always mindful though that a bout of the trots when…[Read more]