@nab Active 5 years, 6 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies nab replied to the topic Kitchens in the forum DIY 5 years, 6 months ago We have a kitchen largely from Ikea, with cheap endgrain worktops from B&Q and an open shelf unit I made from 2x2s, more worktop, a borrowed downling rig and walnut slats for the shelves. It was not expensive. The process was something like this: going to Ikea, discussing the configuration options (carcass choice, mounting options, handle…[Read more] nab replied to the topic For those with an induction hob… in the forum DIY 5 years, 9 months ago Never heard of that. They are brilliant and would never now use anything else. nab replied to the topic Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 – how much compensation? in the forum Chit Chat 5 years, 9 months ago I’ll have to check the legal cover, we do on home but this is a rental property. And yes, the second plumber has taken photographs and has done a report in his quote. I wasn’t that happy with the work as it progressed but everything I queried or questioned or even said “this is a problem” he simply fobbed me off or just refused to alter anything.…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 – how much compensation? in the forum Chit Chat 5 years, 9 months ago Yes, I was thinking this. It makes more sense doesn’t it? It is a new situation for me though. I haven’t sent the letter yet, but I ran it past the Citizens Advice bureau and I asked but they didn’t pick it up. nab changed their profile picture 5 years, 9 months ago nab started the topic Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 – how much compensation? in the forum Chit Chat 5 years, 9 months ago I unfortunately managed to engage the cowboy plumber from hell (don’t say it, I know, I know) and have got to get another firm in to put it right, having paid the first one! (I didn’t realise until it all started leaking and the new plumbers pointed out all the work that was incorrectly done). I have contacted Trading Standards and they have…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Ground Source Heat Pumps in the forum DIY 6 years, 3 months ago If the listing of the building allows I would certainly look at some good insulation on the insides of the external walls. As you say it will make the window reveals even larger and there might be room features (eg coving) that would make it hard to achieve but I think it would make a big difference. Something like 100mm Kingspan or to be more…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Painting – DIY in the forum DIY 6 years, 4 months ago I was chatting to the plumber about this (not sure why) but he was telling how his parents in law got very slap happy and got it everywhere and he felt he couldn’t say anything as they were ‘helping’. Turned out the reason his FIL enjoyed it so much was that he isn’t allowed to do it at home. Less is more was his take home message! nab replied to the topic Painting – DIY in the forum DIY 6 years, 4 months ago I’m not a keen painter but I can do it. A roller is the best tool for walls. Personally I wouldn’t use gloss on skirting boards as It’s hard to get neat. I use Satinwood instead. You can use masking tape for the edges but remember you can always go back and correct paint so it’s not the end of the world if your edge isn’t tidy. I made the mista…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Roof – Foam torching in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago Mmm, difficult situation to be in, especially as you seem to like the (rest of) the house. As you stated, there’s not much to be said for this practice: – ventilation of the roof-space is restricted which increases the chance of the timbers decaying (even though you say the timbers seem solid, it won’t be helping. When was the foam applied?) -…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Charging Your Child Rent in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago Mine paid housekeeping contribution when she left college and started in a job, it came out of her 2nd months wages. I didn’t do her washing nor went into her room once she started at college. I think its good for them to learn how to budget. Having shown her what came in financially, and how much went out, she realised how little I was asking of…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Tooth abscess advice PLEASE in the forum Health 6 years, 8 months ago Sending sympathy,it’s horrible. A product called Orajel from pharmacy which is topical 10% benzocaine may help a lot with the pain. Worth a try. nab replied to the topic Romantic place for honeymoon in Europe, August in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Yes, there is a Juliet’s balcony in Verona, but can’t remember the back story to it. The opera is an amazing location (but take a cushion). I saw Aida, which is the classic for Verona, but I think some of the other operas are more accessible. They’ve got Carmen this year, which is one of the best if, like me, your main knowledge of opera tunes…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Romantic place for honeymoon in Europe, August in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago If you’re combining with the Dolomites, then I agree with others that the Italian Lakes sounds like a good option, maybe combined with Verona. I’ve only been to Garda, which I think is the busiest of the lakes, but still beautiful. Don’t know the best resort on the lake, but Sirmione is very picturesque. Opera in the arena in Verona may or may…[Read more] nab replied to the topic How to ease bad foot pain? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago I’ve got some custom made orthotics but, honestly, the ones I order online are equally good, just not as long lasting. They are, however, much cheaper than the custom made ones and just involve a quick trim with scissors rather than standing in a bath of plaster of Paris! I’ve got very flat feet and that’s a predisposing factor, along with age a…[Read more] nab replied to the topic European holiday recommendations? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago I’d 100000% recommend Croatia. Would highly recommend: Dubrovnik – we stayed slightly outside the city centre – much cheaper and v easy to get into city on bus. The most beautiful city I’ve ever seen, and surrounded by amazing islands that you can stay on/visit. Lots of AMAZING beaches up to an hour’s drive from the city. The cable car and…[Read more] nab replied to the topic Campsite Etiquette in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago If they’re in your campsite they’re not pumping out distorted beats whilst driving past my house or queueing outside my office in traffic… If you can figure out the radio station, jack it with a little pirate broadcast, your choice of content… nab replied to the topic Gardeners – compost question in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Try to identify the weeds before you buy plants. If you have perennial weeds like ground elder you will need to eliminate them before investing in nice plants. Wild flowers will grow best on unmanured ground, with veg it depends on what you want to grow – courgettes and beans love rich soil. nab replied to the topic Getting rid of foot corns for good? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago Under the toe? Euw, weird! Glad that’s sorted, I bet it was extremely painful. nab replied to the topic Bitcoin: does anyone get it?? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago that’s a brilliant explanation, I understand it much better now, thank you. Load More