@jennifer Active 5 years, 6 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies jennifer changed their profile picture 5 years, 6 months ago jennifer replied to the topic Kitchens in the forum DIY 5 years, 6 months ago We’re currently in the same boat Wouldn’t that be a galley and not a kitchen? 😉 jennifer replied to the topic For those with an induction hob… in the forum DIY 5 years, 9 months ago My hubby has just put an induction cooker in my cottage – to replace the 25 yr old oil Rayburn that packed up over Xmas! I have t got any sort of good at all! Hoping that’s not an issue. On a different note it has come With a very complicated list of times that can be used with it they must not have the little brown impose onWith a very c…[Read more] jennifer replied to the topic Charging Your Child Rent in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago Lots of very generous people on this thread! I am not a parent, but if she’s on minimum wage or above, I would charge the normal going rate for lodgings (round here that’s £450pcm including bills) or if it’s less than that, a proportion – 1/3 or 1/4 of her wage. I would save at least half of it for her for a future deposit. If you charge too…[Read more] jennifer replied to the topic European holiday recommendations? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Elounds or Agios Nickolaos in Crete is wonderful! jennifer replied to the topic How to make yourself look taller? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago I’m glad I could help. For the record, I know letting go of painful memories is no easy task. For me, it’s a daily job to not let them immobilize me. Some days it’s all I can do to take my next breath, but I do and I wait it out. Sometimes we need to sit with our pain and really feel it (denial will get you no where). Just make sure you don’t…[Read more] jennifer replied to the topic How to make yourself look taller? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago “…or standing on a book”; I just couldn’t resist a small giggle at that. Being a 6′ tall woman, I certainly don’t have any advice on getting taller (as a kid I HATED being so tall: I felt awkward, out-of-place, and since I was typically about a head taller than everyone else I got tired of looking at the tops of everyone’s head and needing to be…[Read more]