@jaz Active 5 years, 6 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies jaz changed their profile picture 5 years, 6 months ago jaz replied to the topic Kitchens in the forum DIY 5 years, 6 months ago Don’t let your kitchen fitter loose on the electrics. Get a proper guy on the job. jaz replied to the topic For those with an induction hob… in the forum DIY 5 years, 9 months ago I stayed at a hotel recently and the carvery had a notice on it. ‘This is an induction hob, please do not stand within two feet of it of you are wearing a pacemaker’. People had to shout their order at the omelette chef on the other side, it was a big hob! jaz replied to the topic Ground Source Heat Pumps in the forum DIY 6 years, 3 months ago What about oil fired central heating with conventional radiators? jaz replied to the topic Painting – DIY in the forum DIY 6 years, 4 months ago Don’t use a sprayer unless you’re very experienced…. you will regret it. Don’t go for unbranded paint as if you do, it’ll show. Are the walls plastered? Is the plaster in good nick? If not, some filling and sanding will make the end product look better. If you can’t ‘ cut in’ well, it’s probably better to use the same colour on ceilings, walls…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Stomach bug? Top tips? in the forum Health 6 years, 7 months ago As long as no underlying health issues/not on any meds. Keep hydrated and listen to your body. Eat what you fancy in small portions Your body will let you know if not appropriate. Maybe speak with a GP if no better in a week. Just my thoughts, in no way am I medically trained. Hope you feel better soon. jaz replied to the topic Charging Your Child Rent in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago My mum used to charge me £20.00 a week and as soon as I started working full time she said I had to pay rent, which I did. Get it into your daughters head as soon as poss, that she needs to start paying now she can afford to. The longer its left the harder it is, it just has to be a token amount at first if she’s not earning that much. jaz replied to the topic Tooth abscess advice PLEASE in the forum Health 6 years, 8 months ago Thank you all so much for your advice and your empathy! I forgot I’ve got Cocodamol as well, I will definitely buy Orajel too, and ask dentist about metronidazole. Gala I tried warm salt water wash and nearly went through the roof, will try again later… Can’t believe I did an Intro A test yesterday morning (3rd of 3 ) Think the bouncing around…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Tooth abscess advice PLEASE in the forum Health 6 years, 8 months ago it helps just knowing someone else has had the pain! Your patting dentist made me smile I’ve had 2 abscesses before but so long ago I can’t remember much except both root canal filled, both failed and the teeth were pulled out so I’ll skip the rcf this time and go straight to extraction. The pain is one thing but thinking I might not be able to…[Read more] jaz started the topic Tooth abscess advice PLEASE in the forum Health 6 years, 8 months ago Was diagnosed with tooth abscess on Tuesday, given Amoxycillen and taking Ibuprofen. Could cope with the pain just about, anti bios and painkillers making my brain a jelly bag, but this morning the pain has gone from general round the gum to localised in one back tooth, so tender I can’t touch it, it’s awful and eating is a no-no. Seeing dentist…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Romantic place for honeymoon in Europe, August in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Italian Lakes for romance, surely? jaz replied to the topic Tablets v Capsules in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago If you have any trouble swallowing tablets, capsules etc., coat them in a small amount of whatever bread spread you prefer – swallow some liquid first and down they go. I have to take some extremely desicating pills that would ordinary stick to foot thick Teflon but this method works every time. jaz replied to the topic Painting directly onto plaster in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Just watered down paint that seeps into all the holes and forms a good bond with the surface. Some people add a little PVA glue as well as water down paint but it’s not really required. Can be applied with a brush or a roller, but it’s messy as it’s really watery jaz replied to the topic How to ease bad foot pain? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago Plantar fasciitis is the name of the game. There are several threads on here about it, I think my spelling is wrong though if you do a search. jaz replied to the topic European holiday recommendations? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Thank you for the suggestions! Croatia is a great shout. I’ll check out some places on AirBnB jaz started the topic European holiday recommendations? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Can anyone recommend me a nice place to go for a week’s holiday, somewhere in Europe (around June/July time)? I don’t want all-inclusive or a hotel, would like either a villa or an apartment with use of a pool. Within an hour/hour and a half of an airport, close to amenities (small town for eating out etc.), and to nice beaches. I’ll be renting…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Painting directly onto plaster in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Water down some white emulsion (about 50%) and put a mist coat on or it will all fall off. you will need 2-3 coats of your blue colour afterwards jaz started the topic Gardeners – compost question in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Hello. We have 2 tiny flower beds in our courtyard and a bigger flower bed in the communal drive. The ground is now full of weeds thanks to the recent weather so we’re hoping to do some tidying up and planting over the weekend. The ground seems to be clay. Is it a good idea to add some compost at all? If so, what type? I know a farmer with a…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Getting rid of foot corns for good? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago Quite small problems in your feet can make life miserable! Both of mine have been seriously rearranged by my association with horses over the years – most of my toes have been broken – sometimes quite a few at once – all my small toes turn upwards and the great toes have nails that curl inwards – my arthritis just loves to make a nuisance down…[Read more] jaz replied to the topic Bitcoin: does anyone get it?? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Excellent explanation! The only bit I don’t get is ‘the mining’… How? What? Etc etc etc. Do you have an idiot level explanation? Load More