@housemouse Active 6 years, 3 months ago ActivityProfileForums PersonalMentionsFavorites Show: — Everything — Updates Topics Replies housemouse replied to the topic Ground Source Heat Pumps in the forum DIY 6 years, 3 months ago If their seasonal CoP is to be believed they seem really impressive. Can you install underfloor heating. If you have underfloor you can normally have a lower flow and return temp and thus a higher COP. What is the DHW provided by? I think there might be noise issues as well from the condenser. housemouse replied to the topic Ground Source Heat Pumps in the forum DIY 6 years, 3 months ago Have you considered air source heat pumps. Mitsubishi are claiming to have a new range of co2 refrigerant based ones offering CoPs of up to 4 whilst producing DHW. They sound too good to be true and they might be. I’ve not checked to deeply yet. https://www.ecodan.de/en/heat-pumps/co2-hot-water-heat-pumps/ housemouse replied to the topic Painting – DIY in the forum DIY 6 years, 4 months ago I have used a sprayer, but would say, don’t use inside. It was perfect for my exterior as the walls are scat coated, but inside use a roller. I recommend you buy a roller and tray from somewhere like B&Q they normally have a spare roller sleeve in with them, buy a pack of synthetic brushes not hair/bristle,, that saves on the hairs coming out. I…[Read more] housemouse replied to the topic Charging Your Child Rent in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 7 months ago I moved back briefly in my 20s and paid £25pw (mid-90s). It was fab actually as dad was retired by then and did all my cooking and made me a packed lunch every day. cleaned my own room though-after a fashion (I have always been very untidy) housemouse replied to the topic Controlling pond blanket weed? in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago Tadpoles eat blanket weed, but you may need quite a few! Grass carp would eat it, possibly ducks? Many fisheries (including my fishing club) use bales of straw to limit algae growth, but I have no idea about quantities. housemouse replied to the topic Romantic place for honeymoon in Europe, August in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago Siena? Lovely spot and not as manic as other Tuscan venues. housemouse replied to the topic How to ease bad foot pain? in the forum Health 6 years, 9 months ago When I had PF I had steroid injections to the base of my foot. It bloody hurt, but solved the issue. Nothing else touched it. housemouse replied to the topic European holiday recommendations? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago I was just coming on to say Croatia too! We have just been for the fourth time and love it. If you are careful about where you eat/stay, it can also be pretty cheap. We just came back from Split/Trogir/Vis/Brac over a four-day stay so you can really get about on the ferries in not too much time. housemouse replied to the topic Bitcoin: does anyone get it?? in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 9 months ago To me it smacks of the Emperors New Clothes, doesn’t actually exist but everyone thinks its wonderful ! housemouse replied to the topic House insulation improvements? in the forum DIY 6 years, 9 months ago You could pay £50 quid for an EPC, that includes a list of recommendations from someone that has looked at your particular house. Fitting loft insulation is probably the easiest single hit.