Friday, March 23, 2012

Terrarium Love

I LOVE terrariums! What's not to love, succulents, pretty glass containers . . . air purification.
I've been on the look out for a terrarium for a while now but they are expensive, capital EX, capital SPENSIVE.  So it was becoming clear that I would have to DIY one!
I found the glass container at Homesense for $7.99. I bought the plants from Walmart, I bought three different species (I lost the tags so I have no idea what their names are . . . sorry). The plants cost less than $10 for all 3! I added a couple of decorative rocks we had lying around, I thought I'd turn it into a little mini landscape. 5 minutes later we had a terrarium that looked like this:

Total Cost: under $20.00 not bad compared to the $75+ terrariums I found here.
*Word to the wise . . . double check you can fit your hand in the hole easily . . . this was the 2nd glass jar I bought for a terrarium, the first one was too hard to work with! 

Honestly, It's been my easiest houseplant ever. It lives on my desk most of the time (in front of a South Facing window). I rarely remember to water it! Seriously, SO EASY!


  1. Too funny! I have two glass jars that are similar, we used them for candy for Elie's grad party, but now they are just sitting in a cabinet. While at West Elm the other day, I thought, "I'd love to put together a terrarium". We used to have them all the time when I was a kid. But, I wasn't crazy about the prices of their succulents. I will definitely check our local Wal-mart!!

  2. Forgot to ask, what kind of soil did you use, peat?

    1. We used a succulent mix from Homedepot!!! and some rocks at the bottom!!!
      Hope that helps

    2. Thanks Ashli! I actually stopped at a local Wal-mart today, but left quickly. Some nut case thought it would be funny to follow me in after watching me throw a drink cup away, despite my efforts to lose him in the store he persisted. Last I saw him (I was trying to get out of the store, while talking to Mark on the phone), he was walking with another woman and turned and winked at me. Like I said, NUT JOB!!! Scared the bejeebers out of me. So, I will go back to the one by Mark's office instead to purchase the plants!

  3. This is so pretty! I would love to make one. Crate and Barrel sells bowls similar to this and I have one that I use for nuts and candy. It's a bit smaller but I am sure it would work. I'd love to give it a try. Thanks for sharing such a great idea!

  4. So cute! and simple to make. I love having live plants in the house...and these are so easy to take care of. I will definitely be searching for a container to make my own. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  5. Super cute! I love it!!! Looks really chic!

  6. Wow! Love it! I just wonder if it's easy to maintain.

    1. Terrariums r easy to maintain. Google terrariums and u will see how easy they are. Follow the care plans carefully. They will last for yrs. Succulant plants r easy cuz they dont require a lot of water.

  7. So gorgeous! I just DIYed a terrarium too but mine doesn't look as lush as yours. I adore the succulents that are trailing out of the glass jar! Just beautiful!

  8. Those are beautiful. It reminds me of the ones my Mom had when I was small. They were huge and stood up on white pedestals.

  9. One of the plants looks like aloe. Love the one trailing out of the bowl.

  10. I'm looking to make one too as my cat goes after any plant, real or fake. I figure he won't be able to get at it in a small container...I have a small round fish bowl I'm planning on using. Thanks for sharing!

  11. luv it! i'm so trying this - i was at lowe's this evening and their's was $40! all done in a $5 walmart container that has a lid. i think i'm going to do this next weekend (we're planting our garden, hanging ferns and cleaning the yard up from winter this weekend).

  12. How much water do you use or do you mist it?

    1. I give it a few tablespoons of water once a week, and a bit of a mist once a week!
      Hope that helps

  13. The trailing one is called sedum morganianum (the common name is burro's tail). It's one of my favorites, but I have terrible luck with succulents.

  14. These are very cool and possibly the only indoor plant that I could keep alive - little water, little sun, check check! Thanks for the tip about the size of the hole I wouldn't have thought of this either :)

  15. This is really beautiful! I am looking at doing something similar myself. I can't tell from the pictures, did you use a round container or one that has a flat side? If round how did you get it to "sit" without rolling?

    1. The container has one flat side!
      Hope that helps

  16. I just read how to make a terrarium with a container that has an opening too narrow to fit your hand in - the answer is chopsticks! So simple, but I never thought of it. You pour the cactus soil in, use chopsticks to position the plants, and then carefully add rocks if you wish to. Like magic!


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