Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Super Simple Welcome

Here's the close up of the Christmas outside Decor.
Our amaryllis wreath:

And Our Christmas Planter:

Because the Christmas Planter sits beside the front door I tried to match it to the Wreath. I used some Large Fake amaryllis flowers and mixed them amongst the greenery.
This Planter is probably my favorite christmas project each year, it's super simple and really in-expensive.

First you need some branches or twigs to stick out the top (I bought mine from Michaels for 40 cents a couple of years ago)

Second you'll need some flower that matches the decor. The flowers should have a long stem.

Third you'll be needing a lot of greenery. We don't have any readily available cedar bushes around so I bought one bunch from Walmart $3, then I went outside where they were selling the real christmas trees and asked if I could have some of the bottom branches they cut off - Free I also trimmed up a couple of bushes we have on the proporty (ones that we were planning on removing this spring anyways)

Next, you'll need some sort of planter filled with dirt.

I started from the outside and worked my way into the middle, making the flowers the last part I put in.
We make a version of this planter every year. This years total cost was $3. The overall cost if I had bought everything this year would still be way under $10 (not including the planter). At 3 flowers for $1 each, and branches for 40 cents it's very easy on our pocket book, even easier if we had trees and bushes of our own to cut down :)


  1. Love the planter! Your arrangements are always beautiful!

  2. So pretty!! The wreath is gorgeous.

  3. if i use evergreen cuttings; how long will they last outside in my planter?

  4. Ours easily made it a month! Then we took them out but I would say 1 month EASY!!!
    If you cut them off yourself they would probably last even longer!!
    Hope that helps


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