Friday, December 17, 2010

Flowers on Friday

This week's flowers on Friday is my favorite! If you've followed our flowers on friday chances are you've seen an alstroemeria post, or two!
They are my GO-TO flower! They don't make a big show stopping arrangement, but they fall nicely and make a great Powder accent, or beside bouquet!

I've also been looking forward to sharing my most recent find, the little chrome vase! I found it at Michaels in the wedding section! I love this little vase! It was a great price $12.99 cdn, especially when you take off the 50% coupon! $7.50 !!!!
I hope you like it as much as I do!!

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!!! We are thinking about visiting Ikea for their Mid-night Madness sale :) If we can brave the crowds.


  1. Those flowers are gorgeous! And I also love your soap holder. I have a similar one, but it's milk glass.

  2. Alstroemerias are my fav....because they last at least 2 weeks ~ and they come in different flavors =)

    Love the vase.

  3. Love the little mint julip cup! So sweet...I also have a few of them. I spy my soap dispenser! I picked mine up at Target :) LOVE it, but mine is in the kitchen!! Dish soap resides in handy and looks cute!
    Hope you have a lovely Friday and weekend...

  4. Very pretty vase! I love alstromerias! They are delicate looking and also last so long. Your little arrangemnt looks lovely and elegant. Have a good weekend.

  5. I buy alstromerias at the flower market or supermarket when available because thay are so delicate and last for ages.
    Love the silver vase Ashli and me thinks I will now be on the lookout for one similar.

  6. Love the flowers and the little cup. I have a couple silver (not real) mint julep cups I picked up at the PB outlet a few years ago. I think I'll go pick up some flowers to put in them for the party Tuesday night.

  7. I actually have flowers in my house right now too, super rare but fabulous. :)

  8. The little silver vase is gorgeous but I MUST have one of those little soap dispensers! It's awesome. From the other comments I gather you may have gotten it in the states? Please please tell me you found it in Canada so I have a chance at finding it?!!!! I made one of those canning jar soap dispensers for my washroom but it's not cutting it. Very messy and already discolouring even though I sprayed the lid and rim with a sealer. I would so appreciate if you can tell me where you found your dispenser.


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