Wednesday, December 15, 2010

EAT sign; Inspiration from Cougar Town

I don't know if you've seen Cougar Town, very funny by the way, but I love the houses. Half the reason I watch the show is to see the interiors.
I saw an EAT sign in Courtney Cox's kitchen. I believe it's from Anthropologie and I think it's just under $50. There have been a few of our fellow bloggers who have done takes on the EAT sign, Here's mine:

First I bought the letters from Jo Ann fabric, they were around $2 each.

Then I took Fabric from the pillows I recently made and cut it into strips.

I used Modge Podge to to glue the fabric to the letters!

It was all very easy, and now I have a sign that matches my decor perfectly :) And for under $10 (fabric was free because it was leftover from my pillow project, and it only took half a jar of modge podge).

Project Tips:
  • Use thin fabric, thick canvas won't bend into the corners well.
  • wear old pants, I ruined my sweats :)
  • Be liberal with the Modge Podge
  • cut your fabric into thin strips about 2 inches thick by 4 inches long works best!


  1. Great idea, these paper mache letters are the best!!! Recently used them to make DIY Architectural Letters resembling metal...endless possibilities!

  2. NICE as usual, and I am waiting to see what your craft room looks like!

  3. Cute!!! Love that you used fabric. It looks great. :)

  4. Love it! Looks very much like the Anthro letters!!

  5. Mod Podge! YAY! I love this idea!! So sweet :) Hope you are having a wonderful week! Are you going to do any baking for Christmas????


  6. Very creative and fun!

    I love how everything matches, good job!

  7. Very pretty! And love that it's custom-made for your house. =]

  8. I love the fabric you used - this is awesome!

  9. Love that..... it looks better than Courtney's

  10. what a great idea! I am going to do this in my living room. Not the word eat but maybe our last name. Thanks for posting.

  11. I love this idea and see those big letters and Hobby Lobby all the time! Now I need to think of a word, lol!

  12. LOVE it! Did my daughter's name with these letters and modge. How did you hang it?

  13. Such a fun project with terrific results! I wish I had a spot on my kitchen wall for the word EAT, too :-) Liking the idea so much, though, that I think I'll come up wiht a wee word that will work in my home office. Cheers!
    Victoria (DesignTies)

  14. I LOVE your take on it! And, that paisley fabric? I used it for a pillow a few years ago and it's the pillow in my living room that I get the most compliments on! :)

  15. Cute! What did you use to hang the letters on the wall? I love your blog, btw. I am always so inspired to clean or organize after reading it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. Thanks Laura,
    I used command adhesive strips to attach them to the wall! There's made by 3M and their fantastic!
    Thanks again for the comment and question :)

  17. I came across this project through your kitchen remodel and love the look.In fact, I scheduled a feature for it this evening at Extreme Personal Measures.

    Extreme Personal Measures


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