Monday, July 26, 2010

Full Disclosure: Under the Bathroom Sink

And now by popular demand, underneath our bathroom sink. . . . . . .  okay so maybe only one person asked to see how I organize under our bathroom sink, but it was the first time anyone ever asked to see something specific about our home, and I was more then happy to oblige.
It's not the most beautiful organization I've ever done, but it functions like a dream. We only have the one bathroom cabinet to store everything a bathroom needs to store so I had to sacrifice a bit of style for a lot of function.  One day when I find the perfect yellow storage bin and shelf liner I will re-do this area but for now I'll show you the current look.

The blue bin on the left holds extra's like cotton balls and q-tips. The bin on the right holds hair styling tools, my straightening iron (I would give up my left arm for this priceless piece of equipment), hair dryer and curling iron. The clear bin between the blue bins hold extra contact paraphernalia, solution, contacts, cleaner, case etc... The clear bin at the top is what Lee commonly refers to as my "Lady Container", it's pretty clear what's inside that, moving on. The clear bin on the left holds rasors, shaving cream and soap (we go through a lot of rasors, bald husband and all). And last but definitely not least the adjustable shelves that everything sits on. It adjusts around the plumbing and really squeeze's every possible inch of space out of the cabinet. If you are looking for one you can find them almost anywhere, including My Amazon Store under Bathroom.
Then there is the two tiered lazy susan we keep everything from vitamins to lotion to cleaning supplies on. We bought it from Target and it is fantastic!

and if you haven't already seen the drawer we organized with Ikea Godmorgon acrylic boxes here it is.

To see more bathroom organization follow the link.


  1. Love that lazy susan idea for the bottles of vitamins and lotions... etc. I have always tried to figure out a functional/organized way to store those types of items and up until I saw your idea they have been thrown in a tupperware container. Thanks for the great post! :)

  2. You're a godess of neatness! I sooo envy you.

  3. I just went to Ikea for the first time this past weekend. I love that place. My daughter found all kinds of deals for a room she is redoing. I could have spent a small fortune in there, but we were on mission, so I had to stay focused! Your cupboards and drawers look amazing!

  4. YOU ROCK!!! I literally laughed OUT LOUD in my class when I read your opening lines to this post!!!!! (YES...I read your blog in class, haha!) THIS is so amazing, and really just lowered my anxiety level of me constantly thinking I would NEVER get our bathroom organized with our one little cupboard we have! THEN along comes MAILLARDVILLE MANOR once again and saves the day with creative and easy ideas to help me!!!!!!!! THANKS AGAIN so much for posting this for me!!!! :) LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!

  5. This is exactly what I need to do under my vanity!! It's a disaster and so much is crammed into a small space!

  6. I love these ideas, everytime I open a drawer or cabnet door something always falls out. I also can't see items so I rebuy and waste money. Thank you


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